Pace of Play, Ready Golf
In order to increase the enjoyment of your round of golf, here at Alnmouth we operate a Ready Golf Philosophy as follows:
1. Tee Shots – There will be no honour, the player ready first plays or the shorter hitter if the longer hitters feel they have to wait. Play from tees to suit your ability; Blue, Red, Yellow or White, no gender discrimination.
2. From the fairway the first player ready plays if safe to do so and not in the way of fellow players and again the shorter hitters can play.
3. Assess your next shot as quick as you can and choose your club whilst others are playing their shot.
4. Keep practice swings/strokes to a minimum.
5. Carefully watch shots that are hit off line
6. Signal players in the group behind to play through when starting to search for a lost ball.
7. Play your shot before going to help look for another player’s ball.
8. When chipping and putting play in order of readiness if other players are delayed through bunker raking etc. or have a more challenging shot.
9. Do not mark your ball every time it stops on the green if it is not in the way and putt out even if standing close to another player’s line.
10. Leave your bag / trolley in a position that will enable quick movement to the next tee
11. Leave the putting green quickly when the hole is completed
12. Mark your scorecard on the next tee
13. Be conscious of your pace of play, try and keep the gap with the group in front or let through groups that are playing quicker
Your place on the course is behind the group in front- not in front of the game behind.